The Women of Death Row is a true-crime podcast. Every week, sisters Amanda & Mariel will tell the stories behind condemned women on death row, exploring crime details, circumstances of the women’s lives before & after sentencing, the role of gender and racial bias surrounding the justice system and cases involving capital punishment with a lot of opinions, sarcasm and quip paired with a heavy pour of wine.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Hello, our hopefully-not-so Bloody Valentines. In this episode, Amanda and Mariel tell stories of backstabbing lovers. Mariel will regale the story behind Barbara Graham, who would later become known as "Bloody Babs", a flock of seagulls (not the band or the haircut) and the third woman executed by gas chamber in California. Then Amanda tells us a marital homicide story that landed Angelina Rodriguez on Death Row. Digressions include a dating story and past Valentine's Day reminiscing. Thank you so much for listening!
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